Freelance Services

Brian James Hildebrand doesn’t just write books. So if you could use a writer or editor for your work, get in touch, and find out if Brian is the writer for you!

Freelance Writing services provided.

Prices vary depending on length of content, research required, and deadlines.

Currently seeking Testimonials and Reviews.


Copy Editing

Will check for and correct errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Checks for technical consistency in spelling, continuity errors and makes sure that all loose ends are tied. Will check for inconsistency within the work.

Content Creation

Will create content for Blog posts, web sites, book blurbs and social media. Other forms of content can be discussed. Please contact for more information.


Will check for quality before your work goes out. Find those missing commas, misspelled words, and all the other little things that can make your work smooth and sleek.

Professional Writing

Writing emails, product descriptions, white papers, copywriting, and other writing useful for businesses.

Creative Writing

Writing pieces of fiction, ghost writing, script writing, short stories, novels, or other forms of fiction based upon client desires for genre, tone, style, etc.

Manuscript Critique

Will read your manuscript, or the first 10,000 words and prepare a broad, comprehensive assessment. You receive specific advice on how to develop a stronger narrative, better pacing, and more engaging characters.

And More…

If you don’t see what you’re looking for on the list here, please don’t hesitate to ask. Brian is happy to try and help you with any writing needs you might have.